The automotive industry is a sea of different connections, cabling and technology, without which our vehicles would cease to function. The absence of one simple connector could take a vehicle out of service resulting in potentially serious financial and commercial complications. Whilst possibly overestimating the possible implications of a failed connector, many automotive manufacturers have spent years making sure you don’t have to worry about it.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles: How IoT introduction can improve travel
he need for more environmentally friendly, sustainable and efficient travel is an ever-increasing problem for the modern world. The global transport industry is collectively working to find a solution for this problem that isn’t going away any time soon. Their investigations into future technologies for transport solutions has lead manufacturers down multiple paths including alternative fuels such as electricity and hydrogen, autonomous mobility, and even flying cars. However, one of the more successfully introduced technologies in recent years would be the Internet of Things or IoT.
Wearable Tech: Smart Clothing for a Smarter Tomorrow
Wearable technology has been a growing market for many years with the introduction of smart watches and smart clothing increasing the possibilities for manufacturers and developers around the world. Gone are the days when your watch ticked, your phone rang and your computer pinged independently of one another, nowadays all are connected to create a fully functional personal IoT.
How the Global Chip shortage is hurting the tech industry
between the US and China, along with a few more minor issues such as a factory fire in Japan at a supplier of microcontrollers which is responsible for 30% of the world’s units used in cars and a general rise in costs of raw materials such as copper.